About company

Hard Task Training is a European leader in the providing of professional training in the field of shooting, tactics and combat medicine, possessing extensive training facilities including two modern commercial shooting ranges with a variety of outdoor and indoor shooting sections, 22,000 students from all over the world including civilians and members of armed forces, over 300 modern or classic firearms owned and regularly provided on courses, millions of safely discharged rounds by both instructors and clients, resulting in lives, health, and property saved. This is all embodied in Hard Task Training company. Welcome! Thanks to our highly qualified team of instructors, each of whom is a recognized expert in their field in the Czech Republic and worldwide, we deliver to our clients and share with them the latest techniques, knowledge, and skills necessary for successful shooting and tactical training or mastering medical care in combat or tactical conditions. We are firmly committed to the vision of providing first-class training that enables individuals to reach their maximum potential and excel in their professional careers or hobbies. The key to success is a quality team of well-selected professionals who teach only topics in which they are industry-leading experts. The CEO, chief instructor, and manager of Hard Task Training is Zdenek Charvat, who completed his service with the Czech Police in 2012, where he served as an instructor in the Rapid Response Mobile Unit in Prague. He continued his professional career as a contractor - personal protection officer in Iraq. At the end of 2012, he obtained a concession to operate shooting ranges, training, and shooting instruction, and since 2013, he began organizing shooting courses together with Milos Muller during his vacations when returning from foreign missions to the Czech Republic. Due to their high quality, precision, and professionalism, their popularity among clients grew, and Zdenek wanted to meet the increasing number of people interested in taking their courses. Thus, at the turn of 2013 and 2014, he laid the foundations for the name, brand, logo, and initial presentations of the Hard Task company, under which commercial shooting training was further developed, gradually adding tactical and medical courses. In 2016, the interest in the courses they organized reached such intensity that Zdenek and Milos devoted almost every day of their vacations to teaching clients. They decided to end their 4-year career in Iraq and dedicate themselves to full-time training. Their reward was 1078 students who underwent training that same year. Another milestone in successful development was the year 2017. Hard Task company acquired an outdoor shooting range with a variety of shooting sections, and thanks to cooperation with new instructors and increased personnel and spatial capacities, it was able to satisfy 2000 clients in the same year. To this day, it has trained more than 22,000 from many countries around the world. At the end of 2021, it obtained accreditation for teaching within the System of Shooting Training for the Reserves of the State, and during the first year, it managed to fill higher tens of course dates with almost 850 interested individuals. By the end of February 2024, more than 1,100 people had completed these courses at Hard Task Training company. The conflict in Ukraine combined with the pent-up appetite for education in the field during the period of anti-COVID measures laid the foundation for further growth. In 2023, the company served nearly 6,000 clients, continuing the success of the similarly prosperous year 2022. Achieving such values places Hard Task Training company at the forefront of providers of similar training not only in the Czech Republic but also internationally. It has become one of the most respected training agencies in Europe and worldwide. The diligence and professionalism of the entire team of instructors resulted in Hard Task travelling to the United Arab Emirates where it has the honor to train, prepare and constantly maintain in shooting, tactical and medical training it‘s military and protection team operators. Since mid 2021 Hard Task has been working closely with company Bowenite on training contracts in Africa.

About instructors

We employ only the best professionals. Each of our instructors has real world operational experience and is ever ready to pass on their skills and knowledge to their students. Instructors are choosen mainly from the Czech armed forces. We also care about their friendly and patient performance during the lessons. Many of our instructors are nationally recognized shooters or have been working for many years in foreign countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other African countries as security contractors or instructors. Our instructors are arguably the best in the security and training industry. We also carefully select and assign individual instructors according to their specialization to the given courses. This means in practice that you will be taught by a person who best understands the problematics at a particular course.


HARD TASK TRAINING Ltd. Address: Hovorcovicka 702, BAST, ZIP 250 65, Czech Republic Identification number: 07530757, Tax number: CZ07530757 General contact: +420 774 744 661, info@hardtask.cz, accountant: finance@hardtask.cz Bank: IBAN CZ6020100000002901514710, BIC/SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX Company registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court of Prague, Section C, File 301847   Business Licenses – Development, production, repairs, modifications, transportation, purchase, sale, rental, storage of weapons and ammunition – Providing Security of the persons and property – Operation of shooting ranges and providing weapon handling training – Providing any other tactical training - Purchase, sale, destruction and disposal of pyrotechnic products of categories P2, T2 and F4 and the implementation of fireworks   Arms License: – Renting and the selling of the weapons or firearms and ammunition storage – Education and training in shooting – Shooting competitions

Course tiers

4 levels of training are offered    – Theme course suitable for complete novices. No previous experience required.        – The participant should have – and be able to successfully demonstrate –  the basic skills and knowledge in the subject matter. For example, in regards to shooting they should have basic mastery of weapons handling, firing and safety knowledge      – The participants are expected to have a higher level of knowledge and skills in the course subject matter.  Our Level 3 training is also suitable for professionals, individuals and Military/Police Team Training.  This level is also intended for those who have successfully completed our level 2 courses.      – Courses are only for the students which they passed through our Level 1 to Level 3 courses


Questions and Answers

I ordered a course that I paid at that time. Can I count on my participation 100%? After paying your order you will receive a confirmation message at the email address provided. From that point on you can count with your course attandance for 100%. If I have a question about the course, the venue or if I need to apologize for the delay, who should I contact best? About a month before each of the course dates we assign instructors to lead the specific courses. You can find both their phone number and email address on their website profile. Use them for your questions at any time. I would like to sign up for a shooting course, but I do not have a gun license or gun.  Is this a problem? Czech laws will not restrict your participation in the course if you do not have a gun or a gun license. In this case, just like everyone else, you shoot under the supervision of an experienced instructor. So you can shoot even if you do not hold a gun license. Furthermore, we are able to provide you, for an additional charge, a weapon and ammunition. I would like to join some of the courses, but I do not know whether or not my lack of knowledge will be a problem or will hinder the other students.  I am only a beginner. Courses are classified into three categories, called TIER. Each course has different demands and requirements and are for certain ability levels. You can read more in the link “ABOUT” and then click on ‘Course tiers’. Can I start with Tier 2 or Tier 3 directly? I took many courses around the World. I have been shooting for twenty years. You need to go through our courses level by level. From one to the top four. It is not possible to start with two or three. How do I register the course? It is important to register on our website. It is very simple and fast. The moment you are registered, you can login at any time to the site, and then you just select the course you’d like to participate in. Look for any of the listed dates to confirm the course. The registration information you want from me includes date of birth and phone number.  Why do you need this information? Date of birth is required for proper and correct certification of your course completion. Date of birth is an integral part of the certificate and provides for a true and original course certification. Phone number is used in the event that we need to contact you for any reason, and are unable to contact you via e-mail. In the event that my employer will want to verify the authenticity of the certificate, it is possible to contact you? Yes. On each certificate you will find a unique serial number and contact information, in which it is possible to verify authenticity.  You will also be provided with official & direct contact information of our foreign instructors How do I pay for the course and when?  Will I receive a receipt and/or invoice? In each course description you will see the price for the course which needs to be paid no later than 14 days after the course order to secure your place in the course date. The course fee isnon-refundable in cause you cancel the attandance less than week before the date. After each payment is done you get PDF file invoice placed in your website profile. On the photos from your courses I see very high quality tactical and well equipped participants. Do I need to be similarly equipped?  We are able to lend you most of the equipment free of charge and many courses can only be done with your basic equipment and clothing. No need to buy anything. It is often a rule that it is better to go to the course "light/Low profile" and just there to learn from the instructors and other students what equipment to buy subsequently. I am a woman and I would like to join your shooting courses. Can I do it among the men? Although there are not many women in the Czech shooting community, they often come to us to learn in shooting and tactics. There's nothing to worry about even a course full of gentlemen.


Training – US Police Grand View/Kansas City (SWAT unit, Patrol unit) - UAE Army Forces - UAE Presidental guard – US Army Europe – USAEUR OCSURG (Medical training providers) – Police of The Czech Republic (Counter Terror unit, SWAT of Prague, SWAT of Brno Emergency mobile unit, Close Protection Service, etc.) – Police of the Slovak Republic (PPU Trnava) – Customs Service of the Czech Republic (SON SWAT Team) – Army of The Czech Republic (601 Special Forces Group) – Municipal Police of Prague/Czech Republic (Police training center) – Filmka (The film stunts agency) – Radek Bruna (The most famous stunt in the Czech Republic) – Project Gecko (German/Israeli training company) – Trojan Europe (German training company) - Pretorians Group (Luxemburg training academy) – Israeli Tactical Combat School (German/Israeli training company) – Czech IPSC association (Association of practical shooting) – Al Qalaa Security UAE – KAPAP Czech republic - Back Thrust 回马枪防务 (Chineese training agency)   Close protection and Security Global Guardian DRAGBY Ltd. – Sting (World POP Star) – United States congressional delegations from Maryland – Pirouette (Israeli dancing group) – National basketball team of Israel Diamond Dreams JSC Czech Professional Company Ltd Advocate Mgr. Lucie Tycova Rambouskova Clients of LUKOIL Middle East – Alexey Kozin (Head security manager for personal protection) – Kevin Kooper a Johnny Underwood (Security and training managers) – Murad Barkhanoev (Deputy of director of WQ2 project) Clients of GAZPROM IRAQ Shield Tech s.r.o.

Statement of personal data

These principles are applicable to respect the right to privacy in terms of protection of personal data in connection with this website. Personal data is processed in a way that ensures compliance with the Act no. 101/2000 Coll., On protection of personal data and amending certain laws, as amended. When processing personal data we enforce adherence to standards of security and confidentiality. For the content and application of privacy on other web sites to which we refer to our website, we accept no liability. No links to our site are hidden. For reasons of statistical evaluation visits our website are third-party tools to monitor and store data for statistical evaluation of attendance. It is a tool of Google Analytics and AWStats. Please note that in order to facilitate navigation and orientation in these pages we use cookies technology. Cookies are data that are stored, from which these pages are viewed. Personal data further records Internet connectivity and the hosting provider for this server. These data records are bound by rules of confidentiality. Data about visitors to this site may only be disclose by law and only if required to do so by law and only to the extent that the law imposes. The processing and archiving of personal data also occurs because of the issue of certificates and authorization letters that you get after completing the course. Log on our website and you consent to the processing of personal data, as characterized above. In the event of changes to the Privacy Policy changes will appear on this page.


Perhaps due to the war in Ukraine or maybe due to the post covid hunger for education in our field, an incredible 12,000 people passed our company's courses in 2022 and 2023! The company's annual revenue was more than 1,1 mil EUR. Over the last five years, Hard Task Training has achieved a turnover of approximately CZK 4 mil EUR. To this date 22,000 people have attended Hard Task courses. In late 2021 Hard Task received accreditation from Ministry of Interior to teach the State's reserve training courses. During the first year of providing these courses Hard Task company was able to fill upwards of a dozen dates with a total of approximately 850 students. As of February 2024, more than 1,100 people have completed mentioned courses. Despite government measures against the spread of SARS COVID19 in 2020, when Hard Task Training was not allowed to operate any services for 4 months, the number of people who went through the full range of courses offered climbed to an incredible 2341. Hard Task Training Ltd. trained 2622 students in the Year 2019 which is almost same number as in Year 2018 (2608 students) and more than double than the Year 2016 (1078 students) and almost 600 more than Year 2017 (2054 students) Over 2/3 of all mentioned students attended shooting courses such as Dynamic Rifle, Dynamic Pistol, Tactical Shotgun, Sniper courses, VCQB, Shooting Instructor, Team Work or Low Light. Rest of the students attended tactical courses such as CQB, Small Unit Tactics, Close Protection, Personal Security Detail, Speed Boat or Air Assault. Approx. 300 of the trainees attended medical courses such as Combat Life Saver or TECC and Tactical Tracker, Survival, Tactical Driving, Hand to Hand combat and Expandable Baton courses. In the Years 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017, our Support Services (providing the shooting ranges, training sites, guns and ammunition, cars or medical equipment) were used by prestigious clients Project Gecko, Pretorians Group, Trojan Europe, Israeli Tactical Combat School, Tasmanian Tiger and Krav Maga of the Czech Republic, 3GUNUK. Our company website www.hardtask.cz in 2022 season visited 702.407 people. The year before (2021) it was 363.756 and in the 2020 234.502 people visited our website.

Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions A. General Provisions I. Introductory Provisions These terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions") of the company HARD TASK TRAINING s.r.o., Company ID: 07530757, Registered Office: Hovorčovická 702, Postal Code 250 85 BAŠŤ, Czech Republic, registered in the Commercial Register under file number 301847 C at the Municipal Court in Prague (hereinafter referred to as "HARD TASK TRAINING"), govern, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1751(1) of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Civil Code"), the mutual rights and obligations of the contracting parties arising in connection with or based on a contract concluded between HARD TASK TRAINING and another person through HARD TASK TRAINING’s online store. The online store is operated by HARD TASK TRAINING on the website located at www.hardtask.cz (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") through the website's interface (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Web Interface"). Provisions that deviate from the Terms and Conditions can be stipulated in specific terms for certain types of contracts. Deviating provisions specified in the special terms for certain types of contracts take precedence over the provisions of the Terms and Conditions. Deviating provisions from the Terms and Conditions may also be negotiated in a purchase contract. The deviating provisions in the purchase contract take precedence over both the Terms and Conditions and the special terms for certain types of contracts. The provisions of the Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the purchase contract. The purchase contract and the Terms and Conditions are drawn up in the Czech language. A purchase contract can only be concluded in the Czech language. The company HARD TASK TRAINING may amend or supplement the Terms and Conditions. This provision does not affect rights and obligations that arose during the validity of the previous version of the Terms and Conditions. II. Contracting Parties The company HARD TASK TRAINING. The buyer is either a natural person or a legal entity who places an order for goods and/or services in the form of educational courses provided by HARD TASK TRAINING electronically through the website www.hardtask.cz, and based on this order, a contract is concluded (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer"). A natural person who enters into a contract outside the scope of their business activity or outside the scope of their independent professional activity concludes a consumer contract under these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "Consumer"). In cases where legal regulations restrict the conditions for purchasing goods or services from HARD TASK TRAINING's offer catalog (e.g., due to age, possession of a specific firearms license, citizenship, qualification, license, etc.), a contract cannot be concluded with a person who is not authorized to do so, and any legal act aimed at concluding such a contract is invalid from the outset. In the case of contracts concluded under Part B of the Terms and Conditions, the Buyer is also considered to be any person designated by the Buyer as the one who utilizes the contract concluded by the Buyer. These individuals are required to adhere to all obligations under these Terms and Conditions, just like the Buyer. III. User Account Upon registering on the website, the buyer can access their user interface. From the user interface, the buyer can place orders for goods and services (hereinafter referred to as the "User Account"). When registering on the website and when ordering goods and services, the buyer is required to provide accurate and truthful information. The buyer must update the information in the User Account whenever any changes occur. The information provided by the buyer in the User Account and when ordering goods and services is considered correct by HARD TASK TRAINING. Access to the User Account is secured by a username and password. The buyer is obligated to maintain confidentiality regarding the information necessary to access their User Account. The buyer is not authorized to allow third parties to use the User Account. HARD TASK TRAINING may cancel the User Account, particularly if the buyer has not used their User Account for more than three years or if the buyer breaches their obligations under the purchase contract, including these Terms and Conditions. The buyer acknowledges that the User Account may not be available continuously, especially due to necessary maintenance of HARD TASK TRAINING's hardware and software, or the hardware and software of third parties. IV. Contract Conclusion All product presentations and service offers displayed in the Company's web interface are for informational purposes only, and HARD TASK TRAINING is not obliged to conclude a contract for goods or services. The provisions of Section 1732(2) of the Civil Code shall not apply. The Company's web interface contains information about products and services. Prices for goods and services are listed, including VAT and all related fees. The prices of goods and services remain valid as long as they are displayed in the Company's web interface. Prices are not adjusted based on automated decision-making tailored to the buyer. This provision does not limit HARD TASK TRAINING's ability to conclude a purchase contract under individually agreed terms (e.g., price discounts for contractual partners). In the event of a return, the buyer bears all costs associated with the return and the transportation or delivery of goods to HARD TASK TRAINING’s premises. In the event of service termination during its course, which is not the fault of HARD TASK TRAINING, the buyer bears all costs incurred in connection with the service. HARD TASK TRAINING is not liable for any related damages incurred by the buyer. The Company's web interface also contains information about packaging and delivery costs, as well as the method and time of delivery. The packaging and delivery costs listed in the Company's web interface apply only when the goods are delivered within the territory of the Czech Republic. If the buyer partially withdraws from the purchase contract and the total purchase price of the goods for which the buyer has not withdrawn from the contract does not meet the minimum amount required for free delivery, the buyer's right to free delivery ceases, and the buyer must pay the delivery costs to HARD TASK TRAINING. V. Ordering Goods and Services through the Web Interface To order goods and services, the buyer must complete an order form via the Company’s web interface. The order form primarily includes the following information: The ordered goods (the buyer "places" the selected goods into the electronic shopping cart on the Company’s web interface), The ordered services (the buyer "places" the selected services into the electronic shopping cart on the Company’s web interface), The method of payment for the purchase price of the goods, the requested delivery method of the ordered goods or information about the service location (course venue), or the meeting place with instructors, and Information about the costs associated with the delivery of the goods (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Order"). Before submitting the Order to HARD TASK TRAINING, the buyer can review and modify the information entered in the Order, including the ability to identify and correct any errors made when entering the Order details. The buyer submits the Order to HARD TASK TRAINING by clicking on the "ORDER" button. The information provided in the Order is considered accurate by HARD TASK TRAINING. HARD TASK TRAINING will immediately confirm receipt of the Order to the buyer via email, sent to the buyer’s email address listed in the User Account or in the Order (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer’s Email Address"). HARD TASK TRAINING reserves the right to request additional confirmation of the Order depending on the nature of the Order (quantity of goods, scope of services, purchase price, estimated delivery costs), for example, in writing or by phone. The contractual relationship between HARD TASK TRAINING and the buyer is established upon the delivery of the acceptance of the Order (acceptance), which is sent by HARD TASK TRAINING to the Buyer’s Email Address. The buyer agrees to the use of remote communication methods when concluding the purchase contract. The costs incurred by the buyer when using remote communication methods in connection with the conclusion of the purchase contract (internet connection fees, phone call costs) are borne by the buyer, and these costs do not differ from the standard rates. VI. Reservation of the Right to Refuse an Order and Withdrawal from the Contract HARD TASK TRAINING reserves the right to refuse any placed order for the sale of goods or services, including the rental of a shooting range or shooting facility, even without providing a reason. In some cases, HARD TASK TRAINING may request additional information about the buyer and their activities before accepting the order. The buyer agrees that HARD TASK TRAINING reserves the right to refuse an already accepted order for goods or services, or to withdraw from the contract if it becomes aware of any information indicating a security or other reason that the goods or services supplied by HARD TASK TRAINING should not be delivered to the buyer. In such a case, HARD TASK TRAINING is entitled to withdraw from the contract without providing a reason in accordance with Section 2001 et seq. of the Civil Code. If the order has already been paid for, HARD TASK TRAINING will promptly refund the amount paid to the bank account from which the order was paid. VII. Price of Goods and Services and Payment Terms The buyer is obliged to pay the price of goods, services, and any related delivery costs as per the purchase contract, by wire transfer to the bank account of HARD TASK TRAINING (hereinafter referred to as the "HARD TASK TRAINING Account"). HARD TASK TRAINING maintains accounts in Czech koruna (CZK) and euros (EUR). The account details will be provided in the order confirmation email based on the currency in which the order was placed. Along with the purchase price of the goods, the buyer is also obliged to pay HARD TASK TRAINING the agreed costs of packaging and delivery. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the term "purchase price" also includes the costs associated with delivery. HARD TASK TRAINING does not require a deposit or any similar advance payment from the buyer. This does not affect the provisions in paragraph 7 regarding the obligation to pay the purchase price of goods and services in advance. The purchase price of goods is due within 3 days of concluding the purchase contract. The purchase price of services is due no later than one month before the start of the service delivery; if the order is placed less than one month before the course, payment is due within three days of the order. If the service order is placed less than 5 days before the course, payment is due within 24 hours or before the start of the course. The buyer is obliged to pay the purchase price with the correct variable symbol. The buyer's obligation to pay the purchase price is fulfilled when the relevant amount is credited to the HARD TASK TRAINING account with the correct variable symbol. For payments from abroad, the variable symbol must be entered in the "field 70" format as /VS/xxxxxx without spaces, where xxxxxx represents the digits of the variable symbol. Alternatively, the variable symbol can be entered in the text field, and the payment confirmation or statement should be sent via email to HARD TASK TRAINING at payments@hardtask.cz. The buyer is responsible for the costs of making payments from abroad (type "OUR" fees), except for SEPA payments, where the "SHA" fee type is used. HARD TASK TRAINING reserves the right, especially in cases where the buyer has not confirmed the order (as per Article V, paragraph 3), to require full payment before shipping the goods to the buyer. Section 2119(1) of the Civil Code does not apply. Any discounts on the price of goods offered by HARD TASK TRAINING to the buyer cannot be combined. HARD TASK TRAINING is a VAT payer. If a tax document (invoice) is issued based on the purchase contract for the ordered goods or services, the buyer agrees that this document will be sent in electronic form to the buyer's email address unless otherwise agreed by the contractual parties. VIII. Withdrawal from the Purchase Contract by the Consumer for Goods Delivered via Shipment The consumer acknowledges that according to Section 1837 of the Civil Code, it is not possible to withdraw from a purchase contract for the delivery of goods manufactured according to the consumer’s specifications or tailored to their personal needs. Unless the situation described in paragraph 1 applies or any other case where withdrawal from the purchase contract is not allowed, the consumer is entitled, in accordance with Section 1829(1) and (2) of the Civil Code, to withdraw from the purchase contract within fourteen (14) days from the day the consumer or a third party designated by the consumer (other than the carrier) takes possession of the goods, or the last piece of goods if the consumer ordered multiple items in a single order delivered separately, or the last part or piece of a delivery consisting of several items or parts. The withdrawal from the purchase contract must be sent to HARD TASK TRAINING within the time frame specified in paragraph 2. The consumer can deliver the withdrawal to the business address of HARD TASK TRAINING or send it via email to objednavky@hardtask.cz. In the event of withdrawal from the purchase contract, the contract is canceled from the outset. The consumer shall return or hand over the goods to HARD TASK TRAINING without undue delay, no later than fourteen (14) days after the withdrawal from the contract. This deadline is considered met if the consumer sends the goods before the expiration of this period. If the consumer withdraws from the purchase contract, they bear the costs associated with returning the goods to HARD TASK TRAINING, even if the goods cannot be returned by ordinary postal means due to their nature. In the case of withdrawal from the purchase contract as per paragraph 2, HARD TASK TRAINING will return all monetary funds received from the consumer within fourteen (14) days from the withdrawal, using the same payment method as originally used by the consumer. HARD TASK TRAINING is also entitled to return the payment to the consumer once the goods have been returned, or in another manner if the consumer agrees and incurs no additional costs. HARD TASK TRAINING is not obligated to return the funds until it receives the goods or the consumer proves that they have sent the goods back. HARD TASK TRAINING is entitled to unilaterally set off any claims for damage to the goods against the consumer's claim for a refund of the purchase price. In cases where the consumer is entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract in accordance with Section 1829(1) of the Civil Code, HARD TASK TRAINING is also entitled to withdraw from the contract at any time before the consumer takes possession of the goods. In such a case, HARD TASK TRAINING will promptly return the purchase price to the consumer without undue delay, via a bank transfer to the account specified by the consumer. If a gift is provided to the consumer along with the goods, the gift agreement between HARD TASK TRAINING and the consumer is concluded with a cancellation condition that, should the consumer withdraw from the purchase contract, the gift agreement regarding such a gift becomes ineffective, and the consumer is obliged to return the gift to HARD TASK TRAINING together with the goods. IX. Special Arrangements for Goods Delivered to the Consumer at the Seller's Premises Some types of goods are subject to legal regulations that require HARD TASK TRAINING to hand over the goods exclusively to a competent individual at the seller's premises. HARD TASK TRAINING reserves the right to designate any offered goods as being available for collection exclusively at the seller's premises. For goods ordered via the user account through the company's web interface and collected at HARD TASK TRAINING’s premises, the consumer is entitled to inspect the goods, test their quality, and reasonably check their functionality before accepting them. For such goods, the provisions concerning off-premises sales do not apply, and the consumer can only withdraw from the contract by refusing to accept the goods. If the consumer withdraws from the purchase contract made under paragraph 1, the contract is canceled from the outset. In the case of withdrawal from a contract concluded according to paragraph 1, the provisions of Article VIII, paragraphs 5, 7, and 8 apply accordingly. X. Rights from Defective Performance Governing Law: The rights and obligations of the contracting parties regarding defective performance are governed by applicable statutory regulations (particularly sections § 1914 to 1925, § 2099 to 2117, and § 2161 to § 2174b of the Civil Code and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended). Liability of HARD TASK TRAINING: HARD TASK TRAINING is responsible to the buyer for ensuring that the product upon delivery is free from defects and further guarantees that: It conforms to the agreed description, type, quantity, as well as quality, functionality, compatibility, interoperability, and other agreed characteristics. It is suitable for the purpose the buyer requires and for which HARD TASK TRAINING agreed. It is delivered with the agreed accessories and instructions for use, including installation or assembly instructions. Additional Guarantees: Besides the agreed characteristics, HARD TASK TRAINING ensures that: The product is suitable for the purpose for which products of this kind are generally used, taking into account third-party rights, legal regulations, technical standards, or industry codes of conduct, if there are no technical standards. The product meets the usual characteristics, including durability, functionality, compatibility, and safety, that the buyer may reasonably expect, considering public statements made by HARD TASK TRAINING or another party in the same contractual chain, particularly advertising or labeling, unless HARD TASK TRAINING proves that it was unaware of them or that they were amended in a comparable manner before the contract was concluded, or that they could not have influenced the buying decision. The product is delivered with accessories, including packaging, installation instructions, and other user instructions that the buyer can reasonably expect. The product corresponds to the quality or performance of a sample or model provided by HARD TASK TRAINING before the contract was concluded. Exemptions: The previous paragraph does not apply if HARD TASK TRAINING specifically informed the buyer before the conclusion of the contract that some characteristics of the product differ, and the buyer expressly agreed to this. Responsibility for Installation: HARD TASK TRAINING is also responsible for defects caused by improper installation or assembly if the installation was carried out by HARD TASK TRAINING or under its responsibility. Timeframe for Claims: The buyer can claim a defect that appears within two years from the delivery. If a defect appears within one year of delivery, the product is presumed to have been defective at the time of delivery, unless the nature of the product or the defect excludes this. This period does not run while the buyer cannot use the product, if the defect was rightly claimed. Remedies: If the product has a defect, the buyer can request its removal. The buyer may choose to request either a new product without defects or repair of the defective product, unless the chosen method of defect removal is impossible or disproportionately expensive compared to the alternative. This is assessed particularly with regard to the significance of the defect, the value the product would have had without the defect, and whether the defect can be removed without significant inconvenience to the buyer. HARD TASK TRAINING may refuse to remove the defect if it is impossible or disproportionately expensive, especially considering the significance of the defect and the value the product would have had without the defect. Defect Removal: HARD TASK TRAINING will remove the defect within a reasonable time after it is claimed, in a way that does not cause significant inconvenience to the buyer, considering the nature of the product and the purpose for which the buyer purchased it. To remove the defect, HARD TASK TRAINING will take the product to its premises at its own expense. If the defect requires dismantling a product that was installed in accordance with the nature and purpose of the product before the defect appeared, HARD TASK TRAINING will carry out the dismantling of the defective product and the installation of the repaired or new product, or will cover the associated costs. Discounts and Contract Termination: The buyer can request a reasonable discount or withdraw from the contract if: HARD TASK TRAINING refused to remove the defect or did not remove it according to the business conditions. The defect recurs. The defect is a fundamental breach of the contract. It is evident from the statements of HARD TASK TRAINING or circumstances that the defect will not be removed within a reasonable time or without significant inconvenience to the buyer. Minor Defects: If the defect is minor, the buyer cannot withdraw from the contract as per the previous paragraph. If the buyer withdraws from the contract, HARD TASK TRAINING will refund the purchase price to the buyer without undue delay after receiving the product or after the buyer proves that the product has been sent. Claims Submission: The defect can be claimed at HARD TASK TRAINING where the product was purchased. However, if another person is designated for repair who is closer to the buyer, the buyer should claim the defect from the person designated for repair. Complaint Acceptance: Except in cases where another person is designated for repair, HARD TASK TRAINING is obliged to accept complaints at any location where complaint acceptance is possible given the range of products sold or services provided, or even at its headquarters. HARD TASK TRAINING is obliged to provide the buyer with a written confirmation upon filing a complaint, stating the date of the complaint, its content, the method of complaint resolution requested by the buyer, and contact details for providing information about the complaint resolution. This obligation also applies to other persons designated for repair. Resolution Timeframe: Complaints, including defect removal, must be resolved and the buyer must be informed no later than thirty (30) days from the date of the complaint, unless HARD TASK TRAINING and the buyer agree on a longer period. If the subject of the obligation is the provision of digital content, including digital content provided on a tangible medium, or a digital content service, the complaint must be resolved within a reasonable time, considering the nature of the digital content or digital content service and the purpose for which the buyer requested it. Post-Deadline Claims: After the expiration of the period according to the business conditions, the buyer may withdraw from the contract or request a reasonable discount. Confirmation of Complaint Resolution: HARD TASK TRAINING is obliged to issue a confirmation to the buyer about the date and method of resolving the complaint, including confirmation of the repair performed and its duration, or a written justification for rejecting the complaint. This obligation also applies to other persons designated for repair. Claims for Expenses: The buyer who has the right from defective performance is also entitled to compensation for expenses reasonably incurred in asserting this right. However, if the buyer does not claim the compensation within one month after the expiry of the period in which the defect should be claimed, the court will not grant the right if HARD TASK TRAINING argues that the right to compensation was not claimed in time. Additional Provisions: Further rights and obligations of the parties related to HARD TASK TRAINING's liability for defects may be governed by the complaint procedure of HARD TASK TRAINING. Quality Guarantee: HARD TASK TRAINING or another person may provide the buyer with a guarantee for quality beyond their statutory rights from defective performance. XI. Additional Rights and Obligations of the Parties Transfer of Ownership: The buyer acquires ownership of the sold goods at the moment of receiving the goods at the premises or at the moment of dispatching the shipment to the buyer. Codes of Conduct: HARD TASK TRAINING is not bound by any codes of conduct in the sense of § 1820 paragraph 1 letter n) of the Civil Code. Delivery of Information: Information can be delivered to the buyer's electronic address (email, data box). Handling Complaints: HARD TASK TRAINING handles consumer complaints via email. Complaints can be sent to the electronic address of HARD TASK TRAINING. Information about the resolution of the complaint will be sent to the buyer’s electronic address. HARD TASK TRAINING has not established other rules for handling complaints. Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Czech Trade Inspection Authority is responsible for extrajudicial resolution of consumer disputes from consumer contracts, including purchase contracts and service contracts, with its headquarters at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, ID: 000 20 869, website: https://adr.coi.cz/cs. The online dispute resolution platform located at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr can be used for resolving disputes between HARD TASK TRAINING and the buyer from the purchase contract. European Consumer Centre: The European Consumer Centre Czech Republic, located at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, website: http://www.evropskyspotrebitel.cz, is the contact point under Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and Council of May 21, 2013, on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution). Supervisory Authorities: The buyer can file a complaint with a supervisory or state authority. HARD TASK TRAINING is authorized to sell goods based on a trade license. The relevant trade licensing office conducts trade inspections. The Office for Personal Data Protection oversees data protection. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority supervises compliance with the Civil Code and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended. Governing Law and Jurisdiction: The governing law for contracts concluded under these terms and conditions is Czech law. The governing language is Czech, and the competent court is the District Court for Prague-East for cases decided by district courts and the Regional Court in Prague for cases decided by regional courts, in matters not related to extrajudicial resolution of consumer disputes. International Elements: If the contract contains an international (foreign) element, the buyer, who is a consumer, understands that these are specific services provided exclusively in a country different from the country of habitual residence, and therefore Article 6 paragraphs 1 and 2 of Regulation (EC) No 593/2008 of June 17, 2008, on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I) does not apply. Risk of Change in Circumstances: The buyer assumes the risk of changes in circumstances as per § 1765 paragraph 2 of the Civil Code. XII. Protection of Personal Data     Information Obligation: HARD TASK TRAINING fulfills its information obligation to the buyer pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR Regulation") related to the processing of the buyer's personal data for the purposes of fulfilling the purchase contract, negotiating the purchase contract, and fulfilling HARD TASK TRAINING’s public law obligations, through a separate document. XIII.Sending Commercial Communications and Storing Cookies:      The buyer agrees, in accordance with § 7 paragraph 2 of Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on Certain Information Society Services and on Amendments to Certain Acts (Act on Certain Information Society Services), as amended, to receive commercial communications from the seller at the buyer's electronic address or phone number. The seller fulfills its information obligation to the buyer in accordance with Article 13 of the GDPR Regulation related to the processing of the buyer's personal data for the purposes of sending commercial communications through a separate document.     The seller fulfills its statutory obligations related to any potential storage of cookies on the buyer’s device through a separate document. B. Special Provisions for Certain Types of Contracts XIV. Conditions for Participation in Educational Courses: Courses provided by HARD TASK TRAINING are services related to the use of leisure time, where the contract specifies the date or period of these services. According to § 1837 letter j) of the Civil Code, the consumer cannot withdraw from an already concluded contract. The buyer is entitled to cancel the order for the educational course in writing no later than 14 days before the planned date of the course by sending a cancellation request via email to HARD TASK TRAINING (email: finance@hardtask.cz). In case of cancellation as per the previous paragraph, the buyer has the right to a 100% refund of the already paid course fee, which will be refunded to the bank account from which the payment was made. In the case of partial or full payment with a voucher (Article XVII.), the voucher can be reused, or a new voucher will be issued under the same conditions and with the validity period of the used voucher, and the amount paid beyond the voucher will be refunded. If the cancellation occurs later than 14 days before the planned course date, the buyer assumes the risk of changes in circumstances according to § 1765 paragraph 2 of the Civil Code, and the course order cannot be canceled. The buyer may transfer their participation to another person with the agreement of HARD TASK TRAINING and approval from HARD TASK TRAINING; in such cases, it is considered that the buyer purchased the course for this third person at their own expense. HARD TASK TRAINING reserves the right to refuse such a person according to Article VI. In justified cases, HARD TASK TRAINING may make an exception to the cancellation conditions and offer a replacement at its discretion. Basic course fees include instruction according to the established curriculum of HARD TASK TRAINING, materials or tools in electronic or printed form, instructor’s explanation, and issuance of a certificate of completion from HARD TASK TRAINING. The buyer understands that educational courses usually take place in outdoor environments, such as outdoor shooting ranges, land, and buildings that simulate non-standard situations based on the specific educational course and occur under various weather and other conditions. The buyer is required to arrive in appropriate clothing, footwear, and, if necessary, protective equipment suitable for the type and difficulty of the course as well as the weather, and to bring spare clothing and footwear if necessary. The buyer acknowledges that educational courses may involve a high level of physical or mental stress. It is prohibited to attend the course under the influence of alcohol, addictive substances, or medication that reduces concentration or orientation, or if the participant is ill. The buyer is required to comply with applicable regulations related to the type of course, such as Act No. 119/2002 Coll., on Firearms and Ammunition, as amended, range operating regulations, instructions from authorized personnel of HARD TASK TRAINING, including range managers, armorer, and instructors (hereinafter referred to as “authorized personnel of HARD TASK TRAINING”). By participating in the course, the buyer confirms that they have been informed about the range regulations and agrees to fully comply with the instructions of the authorized personnel of HARD TASK TRAINING. The buyer is required to adhere to the safety conditions outlined in Section C of the terms and conditions. If the buyer orders firearm rental as part of the course, it is considered a rental of movable property under legal conditions for the duration of their physical presence at the course location under the supervision of authorized personnel of HARD TASK TRAINING and for the purpose of completing the course. The rented firearm cannot be used with the buyer’s own ammunition unless otherwise agreed with HARD TASK TRAINING. The buyer is required to follow any instructions from authorized personnel of HARD TASK TRAINING. If the buyer orders ammunition for the course that they are not authorized to own, it remains the property of the supplier and is considered a rental of movable property under legal conditions for the duration of their physical presence at the course location under the supervision of authorized personnel of HARD TASK TRAINING and for the purpose of completing the course (ammunition consumption). The remaining ammunition must be returned to HARD TASK TRAINING at the end of the firearm rental period according to paragraph 11. In the case of multi-day courses, authorized personnel of HARD TASK TRAINING will store the ammunition at the end of each block or course interruption. If the buyer orders ammunition for the course and proves their right to own it, the conditions for the sale of goods apply as per the conditions for goods delivered at the seller’s premises (Article IX.). If the buyer orders any additional items from the HARD TASK TRAINING catalog for the course, it is considered a rental of movable property for a specified period, which is the duration of the course. In the case of multi-day or otherwise segmented courses, HARD TASK TRAINING, through authorized personnel, may require the return of items at the end of each block or course interruption for storage. If any item is provided for loan, it is a loan of movable property for a specified period, which is the duration of the course. In the case of multi-day or otherwise segmented courses, HARD TASK TRAINING, through authorized personnel, may require the return of items at the end of each block or course interruption for storage. If the buyer commits a serious safety violation during the educational course or repeated safety violations, or if they are unable to complete the course due to health or safety concerns, the instructor or range manager has the right to exclude the buyer from the course, without entitlement to a refund of the course fee or any other costs incurred by the buyer in connection with the course. In justified cases (e.g., sudden health issues), HARD TASK TRAINING may offer a replacement at its discretion. If the buyer decides to withdraw from the course, they are not entitled to a refund of the course fee or any other costs incurred in connection with the course (e.g., firearm rental). HARD TASK TRAINING reserves the right to cancel the course order if the minimum capacity of the educational course is not met or if necessary to ensure the safety of individuals and property (e.g., in the case of significantly adverse weather conditions). In connection with this, HARD TASK TRAINING may also cancel orders for courses requiring the completion of the canceled course. HARD TASK TRAINING will inform the buyer electronically at the buyer’s email address about the cancellation of the course order or its part (one or more courses from the ordered set of courses) as per the previous paragraph. In the case of cancellation of the order, the entire paid fee will be refunded to the buyer’s bank account from which the payment was made, based on the buyer’s written request sent by email to HARD TASK TRAINING (email: finance@hardtask.cz), and the refund will be processed no later than 10 working days from the date of receipt of the refund request. XV. Conditions for Participation in the MV Educational Course Accreditation and Eligibility: HARD TASK TRAINING holds accreditation from the Ministry of the Interior for conducting training under the firearms training program for internal order and security in the Czech Republic according to Act No. 14/2021 Coll., on the Handling of Firearms in Certain Cases Affecting Internal Order or Security in the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as the "MV Educational Course"). Participation in MV Educational Courses is restricted to individuals who meet the legally established conditions. Loss of eligibility to participate in the course is due to the fault of the individual, except in cases where participation was conditioned upon completing another course, and HARD TASK TRAINING canceled the order for that course without fault on the part of the buyer. Application and Documentation: In addition to registering for the MV Educational Course according to the conditions of sale for educational courses, the buyer is required to fulfill and prove the fulfillment of the conditions for participating in the firearms training program and complete the application required by the legal regulations governing participation in the program. The application in electronic form must be sent to HARD TASK TRAINING along with the organizational instructions for the MV Educational Course to the buyer's email address. Presentation of Documents: At the start of the educational course, the buyer must present their firearm license and other documents required by the legal regulations governing participation in the specific course to the authorized person of HARD TASK TRAINING (the professional instructor of the MV Educational Course). Exclusion from Course: HARD TASK TRAINING is obligated to exclude the buyer from the MV Educational Course in cases specified by the legal regulations governing participation in the program. In such cases, the buyer is not entitled to a refund of the course fee or any other costs incurred by the buyer related to the educational course. Cancellation of Course: The buyer is entitled to cancel the order for the MV Educational Course in writing no later than 14 days before the planned date of the course. Communication for MV Educational Courses is conducted via email to HARD TASK TRAINING (email: stanovenezalohy@hardtask.cz). Additional Conditions: Special conditions for participation in the MV Educational Course are also subject to the conditions for participation in educational courses as outlined in Article XIV. XVI. Conditions for Participation in a Competition Organized by HARD TASK TRAINING Definition and Scope: The term "competition" refers to a sports competition organized by HARD TASK TRAINING. Competitions may include shooting events or other types of contests. Rules and Regulations: Participants must adhere to the competition rules published by HARD TASK TRAINING on the company's website, which are binding. If general rules for a sports discipline or area are established, these rules also apply to ensure safety in the areas where the competition is held. Authorized Personnel: Authorized persons at the competition include the authorized personnel of HARD TASK TRAINING, representatives of the organizer, and the competition judges. Documentation for Shooting Competitions: Each participant in a shooting competition, involving firearms of categories A, A-I, B, or C, must present a valid firearm license during registration unless they are exempted from this requirement as specified in the following paragraph. HARD TASK TRAINING may allow a person who does not hold a firearm license to participate in the competition through specific arrangements or an individual exception. Such a person, not holding a firearm license, will shoot under the supervision of a responsible person as per Act No. 119/2002 Coll., on Firearms and Ammunition, as amended. The responsible person is considered the participant's coach during the competition and must follow the competition rules without interfering with the participant's performance. Additional Conditions: The conditions for participating in a competition also apply to the conditions for participating in an educational course as outlined in Article XIV. XVII. Conditions for Renting a Shooting Range or Facility Definition and Scope: The rental of a shooting range or facility provided by HARD TASK TRAINING is a service related to the use of free time, where the contract specifies the date or period of the service provision (hereinafter referred to as "rental"). Cancellation and Withdrawal: According to § 1837 (j) of the Civil Code, the consumer cannot withdraw from an already concluded rental agreement. The buyer is entitled to cancel the rental order in writing no later than 14 days before the planned date of the rental by sending a cancellation request via email to HARD TASK TRAINING (email) finance@hardtask.cz. After the 14-day period before the planned rental date, the buyer assumes the risk of changed circumstances as per § 1765 (2) of the Civil Code, and the rental order cannot be canceled. The buyer may transfer the rental to another person by agreement with and approval from HARD TASK TRAINING. In such a case, it is considered that the buyer has purchased the rental for the third person at their own expense. HARD TASK TRAINING reserves the right to refuse such a person according to Article VI. Refunds and Exceptions: If the cancellation request is made according to the previous paragraph, the buyer is entitled to a full refund of the already paid rental price, which will be returned to the bank account from which the payment was made based on the buyer's written request. In justified cases, HARD TASK TRAINING may make exceptions to the cancellation conditions and offer compensation at its discretion. Requirements for the Buyer: The buyer must arrive in appropriate clothing, footwear, and possibly protective equipment suitable for the type and intensity of the activity conducted at the shooting range, as well as for the weather conditions. It is advisable to bring spare clothing and footwear. The buyer agrees to familiarize themselves with the operational rules of the shooting range before entering the shooting area and to comply with these rules. The buyer must adhere to applicable regulations related to the shooting range, including Act No. 119/2002 Coll., on Firearms and Ammunition, as amended, the operational rules of the shooting range, and the instructions of authorized personnel from HARD TASK TRAINING. By participating, the buyer confirms they have been informed of the regulations for the shooting range and commits to following the instructions of the authorized personnel without reservation. The buyer must also comply with the safety conditions specified in Part C of the General Terms and Conditions. Shooting Range Oleško Location and Conditions: The buyer acknowledges that the Shooting Range Oleško is located in an outdoor environment where both standard and non-standard situations are simulated, and activities are conducted under various weather and other conditions. Website and Booking: The Shooting Range Oleško's website can be found at www.strelniceolesko.cz. When booking, the system redirects to www.zbrane.cz for the ordering system (hereinafter referred to as the "Shooting Range Oleško Website"). Only individual shooting stations or the entire range can be rented at Shooting Range Oleško. Ordering Procedure: To book a shooting station, the buyer must fill out an order form on the Shooting Range Oleško Website. The order form includes: Selection of individual shooting stations (A to G) or the classroom. Availability of the shooting stations (A to G) or classroom (the buyer "places" the reservation into the electronic shopping cart on the Shooting Range Oleško Website by clicking on the desired date and time and setting the number of hours at the bottom of the order). Reservation parameters (especially the time range of the reservation). (Hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Shooting Range Oleško Booking Order"). Order Confirmation: By clicking the "SUMMARY" button, the buyer proceeds to the next page, where they fill in their name, surname, mobile phone number, email, and the number of people who will be present at the shooting station. The booking system may offer additional features and allow notes to be added to the reservation. Before submitting the order to HARD TASK TRAINING, the buyer can review and edit the entered details, including the option to identify and correct errors made during data entry. The buyer submits the order to HARD TASK TRAINING by clicking the "SEND" button. The details provided in the order are considered correct by HARD TASK TRAINING. HARD TASK TRAINING will confirm receipt of the order by email to the address provided by the buyer, unless the order for goods or services is rejected as per Article VI. Confirmation and Agreement: HARD TASK TRAINING reserves the right to request additional confirmation of the order from the buyer (e.g., in writing or by phone), depending on the nature of the order (scope of rental or number of people). The contractual relationship between HARD TASK TRAINING and the buyer is established upon receipt of the order acceptance, which is sent to the buyer's email address provided in the order. Detailed Information: The website www.strelniceolesko.cz provides detailed information about the shooting range, including its GPS location in Oleško (Litoměřice District, Ústí nad Labem Region), route information, map links, and basic information about the types of weapons that can be used. Gun Range Brandýs Environment and Conditions: Gun Range Brandýs simulates an outdoor environment and non-standard situations, particularly concerning temperature at the range, air humidity, presence of emissions (smoke, unburned gunpowder, etc.), as well as simulations of reduced or completely restricted visibility. Booking: Only the entire shooting range can be rented at Gun Range Brandýs. Bookings can be made through the Gun Range Brandýs website at www.gunrange.cz. Orders can also be placed by phone through HARD TASK TRAINING's contacts listed on the website or by email at info@gunrange.cz. Detailed Information: The website www.gunrange.cz provides detailed information about the shooting range, including its GPS location in Brandýs nad Labem – Stará Boleslav (Prague-East District, Central Bohemian Region), route information, map links, and basic details about the types of weapons that can be used. XVIII. Terms of Purchase and Use of Vouchers Voucher Definition: A voucher is a document issued by HARD TASK TRAINING that serves as full or partial payment for the purchase of goods or services from HARD TASK TRAINING, up to its nominal value set by HARD TASK TRAINING (for an amount), or for full payment of a specific educational course offered by HARD TASK TRAINING (for a course) as listed on the company's website (hereinafter referred to as "voucher"). Voucher Naming: On the company's website, the voucher may be referred to as a "voucher," "gift certificate," or "gift card." Specific Course Voucher: Purchasing a voucher for a specific course buys a specific service of the course, which can be redeemed within the validity period of the voucher, which is 1 year from the date of purchase. Financial Value Voucher: Purchasing a voucher with a financial value buys a financial value that can be applied along with any additional payment for the purchase of goods or services, within the validity period of the voucher, which is 1 year from the date of purchase. Voucher Details: The voucher includes the title "gift certificate," the designation of the services covered by the voucher, information about HARD TASK TRAINING, and a unique serial code of the voucher. The voucher may optionally include additional text, such as the name of the voucher recipient and a possible message. Delivery Method: When purchasing, the buyer selects "PICKUP" as the delivery method. The voucher will be delivered in electronic form as a PDF to the buyer's email address. Applicable Terms: The terms of voucher purchase also apply to the terms of participation in educational courses according to Article XIV. C. Safety notices in locations of weapons activities             In accordance with Section 2896 of the Civil Code, HARD TASK TRAINING warns the purchaser of the dangers of moving around the shooting range and other places where shooting is performed, as well as handling weapons.             The safety conditions for the movement of persons on the shooting range and shooting sites are supplemented by the safety conditions set out in the operating regulations of the shooting range issued on the basis of and within the limits of Act 119/2002 Coll., Act on Weapons and Ammunition, as amended.             The Purchaser acknowledges that the presence on the shooting range and in areas where firearms are handled is always an increased risk of danger to life, health of persons or property, regardless of the level of security provided by HARD TASK TRAINING.             The purchaser declares that he/she has chosen to bear this risk knowingly and of his/her own free will.             Persons who are on the shooting range or handle the weapons or are within range of the weapons when handling them are exposed to the dangers arising from the movement of the dynamic parts of the weapon, recoil, failure of the weapon and its mechanism, damage to hearing, damage to eyesight, risk of burns, risk of gunshot and other injuries, and are therefore obliged to use appropriate protective equipment to the extent necessary, in particular eye and hearing protection, as well as suitable clothing and footwear.             The Purchaser declares that he/she is aware that while present at the shooting range when it is open for shooting and/or while handling any weapon in the places (premises) where the performance of the contract under these Terms and Conditions by HARD TASK TRAINING takes place, he/she must not be under the influence of alcohol, addictive substances or drugs or any disease that impairs the ability to concentrate or orientate.             Anyone who is on the shooting range or in the course area is obliged to handle the weapon in such a way as to avoid unjustified harm, to respect the operating or visiting regulations in the area in which they are located, and to respect the instructions of the authorized person at all times.             Anyone on the shooting range must respect the operating rules of the shooting range and the instructions of the authorised person.             A firearm shall always be treated as if it were loaded!             The purchaser understands that HARD TASK TRAINING expressly recommends that the purchaser should take out special insurance for himself/herself in the event of injury to him/herself or to another person in the course of a training course, competition or while at the range. D. Common and final provisions XIX. Common provisions             If any provision of the Terms and Conditions is or becomes invalid or ineffective, the invalid provision shall be replaced by a provision whose meaning is as close as possible to the invalid provision. The invalidity or ineffectiveness of one provision shall not affect the validity of the other provisions.             In the case of interpretation of individual provisions, the interpretation in the direction of the special provision shall take precedence over the general provision, namely                 another written contractual provision (contract amendment), over                 a specific published procedure, where reference has been made to it in the specific terms and conditions, over                 specific terms and conditions, before                 a specific publication of a procedure, if it has been referred to in the General Terms and Conditions, before                 a specific provision of the General Terms and Conditions, before                 General Terms and Conditions.             In the case of interpretation of individual provisions which are equivalent under paragraph 2, the interpretation of the newer provision shall prevail over the older provision. XX. Final provisions             The Agreement, including the Terms and Conditions, is archived by HARD TASK TRAINING in electronic form and is not accessible.             These General Terms and Conditions, as part of the Purchase Agreement, supersede any prior agreements between the parties regarding their mutual rights and obligations that may apply to the purchase and sale of the Goods under the Purchase Agreement.             These Terms and Conditions shall come into force and effect on 15 February 2024. HARD TASK TRAINING s.r.o.