Course information

Capacity: 20
Minimum trainees: 10
Price inc. VAT: 1,800.00
Course lenght (h): 8 h
Days: 1
Instructor capacity: 1
Certificate: Hard Task certificate
HTR discount: %

Course Description:

FATALE (FIRST AND TACTICAL AID WITH LIMITED EQUIPMENT) is a unique medical course in which you will learn to provide first aid with improvised aids or the bare minimum of medical supplies. The course is designed for the complete layperson who has no previous experience in providing pre-hospital emergency care. It is based on real-world experience and insights, particularly from the Special Forces community, that have forced us to modify the syllabus based on one of the factors significantly affecting patient care in a tactical or remote area. The goal of this course is to prepare the student for situations in which, with a limited array of commercially available equipment, he or she will be forced to provide basic emergency care to a trauma patient and stabilize his or her medical condition. Using simple tactical medicine procedures and drills and an improvisational methodology, you will learn and especially practice each procedure and consolidate it into a comprehensive and functional formula for initial assessment of the patient's condition. Gradually, you will learn the basics of stopping bleeding with improvised devices, practice techniques for clearing the airway, learn simple diagnostic and therapeutic interventions for life-threatening conditions affecting the torso area, and improve your ability to treat a patient in shock. All this in both theoretical and especially practical lessons, with the help of effective drills, under the guidance of experienced instructors from the ranks of the Army of Czech Republic.


Specifics of providing pre-hospital emergency care in a remote or inhospitable environment, triage of the injured, algorithmic medicine, short-distance extraction techniques, basics of control of limb and conjunctival types of haemorrhage , airway clearance, torso injuries, their diagnosis and therapy in a remote environment, provision of circulation and shock therapy, hypothermia prevention techniques, therapy of eye injuries, patient preparation for transport, patient transport and scenarios.

Recommended equipment:

Writings, comfortable civilian, tactical clothing or a combat uniform and sturdy outdoor or duty boots (both adapted to the current weather and outdoor temperatures), an old T-shirt, a sweatshirt or jacket to tear and destroy, a belt, plastic bag or tapes, a scarf, a car belt or any similar items that can be used for first aid.

You will be equipet by our training medic material.


Meeting at 08:30 – 08:45 am at the car park of the location, the subsequent administration and preparation of equipment and materials. The beginning of class is at 09:00 and the end around 18:00.


For little fee to cover the eletricity, heating and internet we are able to prepare You bed in the sleeping room at our shooting range house. In cause You would like to use this option please contact us by the email.


Czech with translation to english.

You can attend this course only if you have passed

Course classes

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